Ensuring that each student has two school uniforms, shoes, socks, book bag, school supplies, P.E. uniform, health care, counseling, and two meals per school day throughout the year (and three days a week during our summer extended learning program)! Any remaining funds donated by you will help support the work and mission of EWP.
Ideally, we are asking our sponsors to commit to sponsoring their student for 5 years at $550/year. This will help to ensure continuity in each enrolled student's education. However, there is no contract that you must commit to so if your circumstances change, we will work hard to ensure the student's education can continue.
If $550/year is not feasible, we have sponsors that have come together with friends to share the costs and do something positive together. If you have 5 friends or family members interested, that is $110/year to change a child's life together.
Throughout the school year, we will update you on your student's progress. If you are happy with what your sponsorship is going toward, please help us to spread the word and encourage your friends and family members to sponsor a child too.
There are 22,000 children in West Point that did not start school this fall -- let's change this together!
Interested in sponsorship? Email EWP's Director of Development at educatewestpoint@gmail.com for more information.